
Separation and Divorce

    Well folks, this is the last week of the semester, which is SO happy, but also sad because I have really liked taking this class. I have also really enjoyed writing this blog. I have always really liked to write, but I've never really had the freedom to take a topic to where I wanted it to go in other courses. I have really enjoyed all that I have learned in class as I am preparing for marriage currently, this was a good time to take this course as I learned a lot about dating, courtship, engagement, marriage, and parenting. It's an exciting time in one's life, but also stressful. I'm really grateful that I got to participate in this class as it is all about real world things  and problems, and I can really apply what I've learned into my own life.       This last topic may be a little upsetting to end on, but it doesn't have to be. I think we're all aware that relationships are hard. Marriage and family can be hard at times. There's a lot of stres...


     I am just now realizing that this weeks blog is going to be about something tough. There are so many different ways and approaches to go about this in life, and no matter what, you're going to fail at something with it along the way and that is...parenting. Now, ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be a mom. As I watched my mom and other women around me, it just looked so fun. Family has always been the most important thing to me, my biggest priority, that's why I've always wanted to be a mom. To have a family of my own that I created. However, as I'm getting older, i'm realizing how incredibly hard and tiring it is. It's so fulfilling i'm sure, but a lot of guilt comes with it. It's also draining and confusing as every single child is different and expects and needs different things. The kids seem to always come first before anything else, and I'm sure that's tough on parents, but worth it, hopefully, at the end of the day...


       We're going to take our relationship talk a little deeper and talk more about family relationships. Family is so important and societies view on it is changing rapidly. I believe in the traditional home, the one where the father and mother work as a team for their children. However, fathers have had this stigma for years that they do more harm than good. Society makes men seem unimportant, useless, and dumb when it comes to families and children. That is absolutely false and unfair. Studies have shown that fathers, or a male figure, play a huge role in a child's development.     In an article I read The Science of Dad and the Father Effect , the author brings up great points as to why society's philosophy on men and fathers is wrong. The first point I will discuss is the affect that a father or male figure plays on a child. With the presence of an engaged father, children are less likely to act up and go to jail or drop out of school. Children have h...


     One of the most common issues in relationships, I would say, would have to revolve around communication. Communication is one of the hardest aspects to a relationship. It is nearly impossible to know and understand what everyone is thinking and feeling. Everyone is raised differently so we all expect things to be run differently. All of our minds think differently and at different speeds, it just seems impossible to to ever understand someone else's perspective. That is where good communication skills come in to play. If we don't communicate how were feeling or what we expect in a positive way, then that's where issues start developing. If you hold your feelings in or say things that you don't actually feel, that will lead to resentment and frustration with your partner. Not communication leads to a result of 51% of the issues, tone of voice is 35%, and the words spoken lead to 14% of the issues. The way we speak and the words we say really do play a factor in a re...

Pain and Stress

      This week in class we talked about stressors. With any relationship comes stress. Actually, no, with life in general comes stress. There are so many troubling things out in the world today. There's school, work, family, and friends to worry about and including all of that in a relationship is just another thing to think about. I think in a relationship, it is so important to see your partner in a stressful situation. It can teach you so much about the other person and how they handle things. Everyone handles life's challenges differently and cope with things in certain ways so it's good to see how your significant other deals with hardships. Stress is a natural feeling and can be good sometimes, however too much stress can strain relationships with others. Stress can turn in to distress. The difference is stress is a feeling of frustration or feeling nervous while distress is feeling anxious and is more emotional. At times, stress or distress can come to be from pai...


       Hello! Welcome back to the blog. Last week we talked about getting engaged and the importance of that. This week we're taking it a step further, marriage. Marriage is the next and ultimate step in a relationship. This seals the deal between you and your partner. This is a very special moment in both you and your partners life as you are dedicating the rest of your lives together. Now, that last sentence might sound a little scary. The rest of your life is a big commitment, but  being together forever is also comforting. Spending the rest of your life and eternity with someone you love brings peace to my soul, to know I have someone there for me for the rest of my life sounds like a dream. However, that doesn't mean marriage is easy. I've never been married, but I observe my parents, and all four of my older siblings are married so i've been around a lot of couples my whole life to realize it's hard. There are going to be arguments, trials, and disappointm...


 This week we're going to be talking about the next step in a relationship after courtship. This next phase in a relationship is a HUGE step and that is engagement. Engagement is when you've decided you want to be with your significant other for forever and all eternity. It is a very beautiful moment. However, from recent experience, it takes a lot of effort and a lot of and faith as this is a very important decision.       For me, to know my fiancĂ© was the one for me, I prayed a lot, read conference talks and to be honest, just fully moved forward in faith. Now, I know everyone may not have the same beliefs as I do, and that's totally ok! This is just how I came to know for myself. To go along with following guidance from my Savior, I also began to to think how different my life would be without my fiancĂ© and it made me incredibly sad. I've known my future husband since I was about fourteen years old. We dated for a little bit Junior year of High School, but I ...