Fathers and Culture

    All my life i've been blessed to always understand and realize the importance of both the roles of a mother and father in a family. Both are vital for a happy, healthy family. I've been able to understand this as i've been blessed with involved, loving parents who understand their roles. In class, my teacher shared an  experience of a young man he was able to help who hadn't been so blessed with two supportive parents. This young man was involved with a gang and was facing a possible chance to go to a youth prison if he didn't follow simple procedures. The young man had a rough background as his father was in and out of prison his whole life. He didn't feel very loved by his family as he didn't have that fatherly figure who had an influence on him, and his mother was working hard by herself to provide for the family so he didn't see her very often. That's why the young man turned to gang members, he needed an adult relationship. Eventually his father was able to come around and they were able to develop a better relationship. 
    I tell this story because it opened my sheltered eyes to realize that there are families out there that aren't as fortunate as I am. In class, I heard how hard a child's life can be without a father figure. I've always understood how important fathers are, it's always seemed obvious to me as I grew up with my father being my best friend. Although my dad was gone a lot throughout my childhood because of work business trips, he made sure all of us kids understood we were loved. The family understood that dad was gone so he could provide for us. When he was gone, he would call my mom every night and they would talk for what felt like hours, and I would always take the phone to get my time talking to dad. Even when he was far from home, it still felt like he was by the effort he made to make sure we knew he was aware of us. When he was home, he made sure to be at every game and every performance. On days we had events and he was out of town, he made sure to wish us luck with a text or a call. I have never once felt neglected by my dad as I knew he didn't want to always be away from home, but he was doing it for my mom and my siblings so we could have more than what we needed. 
    As my dad was busy with work, my mom was just as busy, too. She works part-time at the middle school and she's heavily involved with her church callings. She's a very creative person so at my house, there was always something going on and always something that needed to be done. My family never gives in half effort, and we never say no. I learned that at a young age. Chores were a big deal when I was a little kid, and that foundation has taught me to work hard for everything else in my life. That core standard of working hard is, I would say, a part of my family's culture. The main way my family shows their love is by acts of service. We are an affectionate family as we always say "love you" and we're not super touchy, but we're not weird about it. However, the best way to show you're love is by going and physically helping someone else out. Whether that's with a labor job or sitting down with someone making sure they're doing everything in their power to be doing what they're supposed to. The family only works when everyone is doing their part, and that is valid for any relationship. Making sure that no one is falling behind, and that we're continuing to progress is very important in my family. Not giving up and being tough when difficult situations arise is very important as well. When we work as a team to get things done, that's my family's culture and way of showing love towards one another. 


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