Challenges the Family Face Today

 It doesn't matter what race, religion, or gender you associate with, I think it's safe to say we all can agree that the world is a crazy place right now. We all might believe it's crazy for different reasons, but regardless of our differences, the world is going through a lot right now. We are all entitled to our own opinions. We're all on this earth at this time and day for a reason and have been blessed with the gift of agency. With that being said, over the years as mans choices and views have changed regarding the family, it has made an impact on our society, world, and the way we live. Our actions not only impact our individual lives, but they make a difference for the world.

Within recent years, the dynamic and view of the family has changed drastically. Even the rates of adults just living alone, single have gone up. Along with that, cohabitation rates have risen between sixty to eighty percent within recent years. That is a large percentage. For those who may not know, cohabitation is when a couple lives together without being married. Some couples do this for years. It is statistically proven that those who live together for several years then get married are more likely to end in divorce rather than those who start living together after marriage. As cohabitation rates rise, wedding rates have decreased.

My views on cohabitation differ from the worlds point of view. I strongly believe in waiting until marriage to live with the person you're in a relationship with. A common reason why people do live together before marriage is to test out how living with your significant other is before committing to spending the rest of your life with that person, to see if you can make your relationship work under the same roof. Part of me understands this, however if you're already in a place to make that big decision and have that type of commitment, why not just get married? Why wait for years just living together and experimenting how your relationship works when you can figure out each other before making that step and then learning together under the vow of marriage. To me, it would be comforting to know that if a big fight were to happen, my spouse and I can choose to work through it rather than having that fear of my partner being able to just walk away. I need that security. 

I also believe that living together before marriage is a moral issue. I believe in waiting until marriage to have any type of sexual relation with another person. That is a special gift that God has given us and I don't think it's a matter that should be disrespected in the way that it is today. Our relationships should be much more than just physical, but unfortunately that is something that is very popular today. We are so much more than just our bodies, we have so much more to offer. However, as more and more people act irresponsibly, the more children's lives are in danger. Abortion rates have skyrocketed within the past few years. I understand that there are some instances where it may need to happen such as in a case of a raping, but when a child's life is spared because of a mistake and protection wasn't used, that's where the issue lies. Women claim that they have rights over their body, and they most certainly do, but why don't they protect it and themselves? Men should also respect women as well. Women have such a sacred role on this earth and I hope both men and women recognize that. An unborn baby has just as much rights as any of us. If the parents don't want or don't have the means to keep the baby, that is totally ok! There are so many great resources that the parents can take advantage of for the child to receive the proper care it needs to have a successful life. 

I hope someday that the world can refocus it's view on the importance of family as it is the most important thing we have here on earth. After this life, our relationships and memories are the only thing that come with us. Families are forever.


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